If you were a victim of the Equifax breach which affected millions of Americans, then you may be able to take the company to the small claims court. If you would like to sue Equifax, then you can do so by filling out your local court forms, or by using the Chatbox chat bot to complete them for you. There is no charge for using this bot.
Once you have completed the paperwork, you will need to file the forms with the small claims court and there will be a fee for this. You will then need to fill out the small claims paperwork to serve to Equifax via their agent as well.
The Equifax security breach led to 143 million consumers having data released. This means that 44 percent of the population were affected, and Equifax waited for more than one month before telling consumers that the breach had happened. If you were one of the people affected by the breach, then you may be able to obtain damages of between $2,500 and $25,000 depending on the state that you live in. You have the option of taking part in the broader class action lawsuit, or suing Equifax for negligence in the small claims court. It is possible to do both, and if you take them to the small claims court then it is recommended that you petition for maximum damages.