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Order Service of Process

How To Serve Equifax Legal Papers?

Equifax is a corporation registered to conduct business in every state.  You have to determine the state that you are filing your court action.  That is the state that you have to serve Equifax.

Equifax’s registered agent for each state can be found on the Secretary of State business search.

Our Firm Will Serve Equifax’s Registered Agent

Our fee for service of process on Equifax range between $125-$250

Complete the form below to serve Equifax or email your documents with instructions to serviceofprocess916@gmail.com

You will receive an online invoice for payment.  Service will be conducted after payment is received.


Contact Us

  • Drop files here or

    Upload your file here, email to Ljkc916@gmail.com or fax to (916) 244-2636

  • I will mail your proof of service to this address after I serve Equifaxs’ agent for service of process.