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Millions of Americans Opting to Sue Equifax

Millions of Americans are opting to sue Equifax over a data breach which affected 44 percent of the population. The data of more than 140 million Americans was accessed by unauthorised persons, and the company took more than one month to disclose the fact that the breach had happened

There is a class action lawsuit planned relating to the breach, but in addition to this many people are choosing to sue Equifax in the small claims courts for maximum damages relating to the breach.

The amount that people can sue for varies from state to state, with maximum damages in some states being $2,500 while others are allowing for claims of up to $25,000.

Making a small claims court claim is a fairly simple process. The forms are easy to fill out and there are several chat bots that people can use to get helpw ith completing the forms. There is no fee for using these chat bots. There is a filing fee with the small claims court itself, however.

Once you have completed the paperwork and paid the nominal court fee, you will need to submit the papers to an agent of Equifax to complete the process. If you are not sure how to do this then there are law firms that will serve Equifax for you. It is well worth joining in with the class action lawsuit as well as doing your own small claims filing, because the breach is a clear issue and the class action lawsuit is already large. Adding your voice to it will help to ensure that people get what they are entitled to with regard to the claim. Consumers have the right to feel confident that their personal data is secure and handled responsibly by the companies they work with.